Propose a Project Do you have a project, or an idea for one, that you’d like to bring under the fiscal sponsorship of COSL? Tell us about it here. Your NameWho is the contact person for this project?Email AddressWhat is the contact email address for this project?Priority AreasSafer HostingSupporting FansCyberbullying and AbuseLegal AdvocacyWhich of COSL's priority areas does your project support?Which of these options best describes your project?Coalition ActionManaged Under LicenseSupporting ProjectSponsoring ProjectCoalition Action: An advocacy campaign for COSL to join as a coalition member.Managed Under License: An independent social enterprise managed by COSL under license for our charitable purposes.Sponsored Project: A project that COSL supports either financially or in kind.Supporting Project: A project that aims to generate revenue to help support COSLIs this an existing project?Existing project seeking fiscal sponsorNew projectDescribe what the project aims to achieveWebsiteExisting project website, if you have oneUpload fileChoose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileIf you have a business or financial plan for your project, you can upload it here.Send Message